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EVO Bar & Sole Rasp 2
EVO Bar & Sole Rasp 2 For Sale!
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Our Price: $58.00

Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days

EVO Bar & Sole Rasp 2
The Bar & Sole Rasp 2 has curved, knife-like teeth and a black plastic handle. These teeth shave rather than scrap away sole horn, leaving a smoother surface and thus the most uniform finish to sole horn than does the Bar & Sole Rasp1. This rasp has a varied curve that provides multiple ways to grip and apply the aspects of its active surface. This shape allows you to clean both the broader arc of the sole and the tighter curves near the bars and heels. In addition, all versions have a tapered point for picking, cleaning and scraping. It easily chops packed dirt from the sole and effectively scrapes grit out of the grooves along the sides of the frog or from cracks in the white line and wall.
EVO Hoof Care Bar and Sole Rasp Introduction
EVO Hoof Care Bar and Sole Rasp Directions

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