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Parelli Myler Cradle C2 Narrow MB 43LP 5"
Parelli Myler Cradle C2 Narrow MB 43LP for sale
Our Price: $243.99
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Parelli Myler Cradle C2 with Sweet Iron Low Ported Barrel Narrow MB 43LP

Level 2-3 Bit: Great for horses who have achieved a basic training, with a degree of balance and collection and is now progressing in a particular discipline or are close to being 'finished'.

The Narrow Ported Barrel mouthpiece featured is a curb mouthpiece that does not rotate on to the tongue, but instead sits solidly on the bars and lips of the horse's mouth. The port is narrower than a Level 3 mouthpiece, but still offers plenty of room for the horse's tongue to pass under the bit easily.

Made with Stainless Steel (no rust!) and a Copper Inlay, this mouthpiece has Sweet Iron which naturally oxidizes or rusts. Harmless to horses, it has a sweet taste and promotes salivation.

Working together since September 2006, Parelli USA and Myler Bits have designed a new Parelli Myler series of bits to compliment the Parelli Natural horsemanship program.

For more information about Myler bits and finding the perfect bit for your horse follow the link to purchase Myler's official book and DVD!

Looking for a curb strap? Check out our
Myler Curb Strap Kits!

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